How to use the "Bibliography - Administration"?

How to use the "Bibliography - Administration"?

Opening the Bibliography Administration

To go to the bibliography administration:

  1. On your Confluence, click on “Settings” in the top right corner.

  2. Navigate to “Bibliography - Administration” in the left navigation bar under “Apps”


You can only access the bibliography administration if you have admin permissions.


Using the Bibliography Administration

In the Bibliography Administration you can:

  1. See all literature lists in your Confluence

  2. Delete Lists, which were created on a page with the “Literature Management”-Macro.

  3. Clear all entries from spacewide Literature Lists


Due to the limitations of the Atlassian Forge KIT, we are not able to detect if pages with Literature Lists were deleted and delete those lists as well.

Hence, we implemented this Admon page, where the user himself can delete “ghost lists”, which were placed on now deleted pages, but couldn`t be deleted automatically.

As soon as Atlassian offers this functionality, we will implement a more convinient solution.