Open the Space Permissions Tab
In order to view and manage the space permissions:
Open the admin panel
In the left navigation bar, select “Permission Management” under the title “Smateso Configuration”
The “Space permissions”-Tab will be opened automatically
Selecting the user or group
To view or manage space permissions you have to select the respective user/group:
Choose whether you want to select a user or group
Type at least two characters of the name of the user/group you want to select
They do not have to be the first two characters of the name.
After selecting the user/group a list of all spaces with the current permissions for the selected user/group is shown.
Editing space permissions
After selecting a user/group, you can edit their space permissions:
Click on the according checkboxes, where you want to set/remove permissions for the selected user/group
When you are done making changes, click on “Save permission changes”
(You need to save the changes you made, before going to the next page)
Changes will be marked with an asterisk, so you always know what the orignal setting was
If you want to set/remove all permissions in a space or the same permission in all spaces, you can use the checkboxes on the left side of the list and on top of the list
In case you selected a user, checkboxes will have a blue background if the user has permissions for that case by a group membership
Filter by a space
If you want to see the permissions of one space quickly, you can filter for it:
Click on “Filter by Space”
Type at least two characters of the space name
They do not have to be the first two characters of the name.